
Spring of Hope Uganda

    Enabling Ugandan Communities to Help Children with Disabilities

Nutrition Support

Over the last few years SoHUG has identified many children with severe malnutrition, this is either because of lack of enough adequate food or because of poor feeding habits among children with disability (especially cerebral palsy). Research shows that there is a close relationship between Cerebral palsy and malnutrition. Kids with Cerebral Palso often have poor appetite, problems with digestion or poor swallowing.  Over the years we have noticed that feeding of the child impacts the development of the child. Sadly, over the last three years we have lost 50 children due to malnutrition. Ninety-percent of these children have been due to swallowing and feeding difficulties.nutrition Currently we work in the following three ways:
Giving food supplies
Educating parents
Assessing the child's progress

As funds increase, we hope to help more than the 31 kids we currently help with nutrition supplementation.  If you would like to sponsor kids who need nutrition support, please follow the link to givengain or Stewardship.

2012 Spring of Hope | Template by Schoenheitsoperation